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The RotoSeq


This device is a hand generator cranked rotary sequencer. It has 8 slots and 4 sounds and uses 4 LDRs into a picaxe to make sounds. When a marble is removed from the turntable a sound is made that corresponds to its position.



Sound colours


How to play


The RotoSeq is played by removing the coloured balls from the rotating platform, each colour represents one of 4 sounds and each position represents one of eight slots in the sequence.




A wheel within


At the heart of the RotoSeq is a PicAxe 28x processor witch takes information from the 4 LDRs, and generates the 4 lofi sounds in the sequence. The LEDs provide a constand light source for the LDRs and a modified servo is used to move the platform.




2023 - Rarebeastss


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